©-info is an icon found on websites, clicking on which shows you the author details and usage rights of the content on the website. By clicking on the icon, you can find out who made and produced the content: images, articles, videos and other material. The information also includes whether the content and material on the website can be used or copied in teaching or other work-related use, for example.
See presentation What is C-info
The use of ©-info is free of charge, and you can add the icon to any website.
Easy to use
As the user of a website, you can use ©-info to quickly and easily find the information on how you can utilise the content on the website for other than private use.
Authorship belongs to the author
When we use other people’s works, the author must be mentioned.
Respecting copyright
The use of other people’s works usually requires permission. With the ©-info icon, you can easily and quickly find the usage rights of the content on the website and use the content while respecting copyright.