The support is available to organisations and audiovisual industry companies registered in Finland that are obliged to keep accounting records.
Support and decision criteria
In the decision-making process, new projects/new events/forms of events within established events are favoured. In addition to these, the following aspects are assessed:
- How the event/project advances audiovisual culture.
- The direct significance of the event/project on authors in the audiovisual industry.
- The regional impacts of the event/project.
- The development plan of the event/project.
- Reports of any supports possibly granted before.
The support is not granted for
- public audiovisual events in the music industry, for which support can be applied from the Finnish Music Foundation. It is possible to apply for support for the professional part of a public audiovisual event in the music industry.
- covering the production costs of a work.
If an applicant has failed to submit reports related to previous support decisions in time or at all, they are ineligible for a new support.
Application process
The support is applied for through AVEK’s application system. Choose from ”project purpose” support for audiovisual-culture. The application must primarily be submitted to AVEK before the festival or event starts, but support can also be applied for the costs of events/projects that have taken place between 1.4.2023 – 25.9.2023.
Application period is between 25.9.-30.11.2023 at 16.00.
The support decisions are approved by AVEK’s Board of Directors.
Support sums
The maximum sum of the support is EUR 20,000. The Board of Directors of AVEK will decide on the sum of the support.
In addition to the basic information, the application form must include the following:
Application title:
Name of the event/project or other identifying description. Description must be in a from that can be published.
Short description of the project’s content (max. 300 characters)
Short description also in a from that can be published.
Extensive description of content (max. 5,000 characters)
A presentation of the event’s/project’s key content and goals and a description of the activities with consideration towards the emphases of the decision criteria. Motivation for the application.
Work plan (max. 5,000 characters)
A presentation of concrete actions to accomplish the goals described above, including a sustainable development plan and a plan of reimbursing the authors of the use of a work and the event/project development plan that takes into account the event’s impact.
Cost estimate and funding plan.
These can be submitted on the application form or as separate attachments.
Attachments to the application:
- A description of the applicant’s previous activities (required)
- Other material needed to complement the application.
Agreement procedure
- The first instalment of the support granted can be paid when the recipient has accepted the terms of payment and use of the support in AVEK’s application system.
- The support is paid in two instalments. The recipient of the support defines the payment schedule of the first instalment in the system. The first instalment is 80% of the support granted. The second instalment is made after the final report has been prepared.
- If the support money has not been withdrawn within three months of the support decision, the decision will expire.
Final report
A written final report of the use of the support must be submitted to AVEK by the deadline specified in the commitment. If the final report has not been submitted by the deadline and a new deadline has not been agreed upon with AVEK, the support granted must be paid back. If the final report is overdue, the applicant is ineligible for additional support.
The final report is made in the application system and it must include the following information:
- a short description of the organised event
- a written report of the realisation of the event
- a written financial report and further plans
- a cost statement that includes a comparison between the budget and the actual costs verified by an accountant or, if the sum of the support granted is EUR 20,000, verified by an auditor and submitted as a separate attachment
Crediting AVEK
The recipient of the support must include AVEK’s name and/or logo in the event’s communication and marketing materials. Instructions for and more information about crediting AVEK can be found from our “AVEK credits” page.