Projects participating in the Open Call are required to have a prepared production plan complete with timetables and a budget. In addition to this, we expect participants to have some insight as to what kind of new content they aim to create and with what technology.
One Aalto Studios Open Call project can receive EUR 6,000 of development support from AVEK as part of the open call. Other projects can apply for AVEK or other funding separately, if they wish.
The facilities that can be used in Open Call projects are:
- Kallio Stage: A theatre/black box space with audio and lighting equipment, auditorium
- Roihupelto Studios: Chroma studio, virtual staging and motion capture technology, studio cameras, etc.
- VR Studio: Seven VR workstations for producing XR content
- TakeOut: Wide range of AV equipment that can be borrowed for productions
The aforementioned facilities will be available to selected Open Call productions complete with their standard equipment and technical support staff.
The production period of Open Call projects will be determined based on Aalto Studios’ facility reservations and staff availability. The most likely production period particularly as regards Roihupelto Studios is summer 2020.
The open call will end on 15 April 2020. Free-form project proposals can be submitted to the following Aalto Studios e-mail address: ari.kivimaki(at)aalto.fi
Proposals must include at least the following:
- title of the production/project
- name of the producer/production team
- person responsible
- who, what, when, where, why and how
- funding and budget
- links, images and other reference material are welcome.
Project selection will be carried out by Aalto Studios and AVEK’s selection panel – Professor Philip Dean, Director Marcus Korhonen / Aalto Studios and Film Commissioner Mikko Peltonen / AVEK.
Ari Kivimäki, ari.kivimaki (at) aalto.fi
Mikko Peltonen, mikko.peltonen (at) avek.kopiosto.fi