- The final report is submitted through AVEK’s application system.
- In the final report, fill in a summary of the project’s content and the one-liner on the form.
- A script produced with the help of the support can be copied into the final report’s text field (max. 5,000 characters). Longer scripts should be attached as a PDF file.
- Enter the project’s follow-up plan on the final report form.
- No financial report on the use of the support is required.
Crediting AVEK
- The support must be mentioned in the closing credits of the finished work as follows: ‘Scriptwriting support/AVEK’. You can download our logo from our AVEK credits page.
- If the same work is granted further support, AVEK must be credited in accordance with the instructions concerning crediting for the support in question.
A final report on the use of the support must be submitted through AVEK’s application system. The report is filled in directly on a form available in the system.
- A work presentation of up to 300 characters for use in public communications and a list of key authors
- A written report on how the content of the work was realised.
- A cost specification that can be compared to what was presented in the application.
- A funding report, including self-financing. A report of the distribution of the work and further distribution plans.
- a link to the complete work or the work in another format agreed upon
- possible additional links
If the final report is overdue, the applicant is ineligible for additional support.
Crediting AVEK
The closing credits and potential opening credits of the work and any marketing materials must include the text ‘This work was made with a project grant from AVEK’ and AVEK’s logo. You can download our logo from our AVEK credits page.
The final report and the attachments are submitted through AVEK’s application system. The final report must include the following information, either filled in on the form of the application system or as separate attachments (see below for a detailed list).
- Short description. A work presentation of up to 300 characters for use in public communications and a list of key authors. Filled in directly in the application system.
- Written content report. The producer’s report of the process of the production phase/entire production regarding its content. On what the support has been used and how the set goals have been accomplished. Filled in directly in the application system.
- Script/content plan. Must be submitted if support has been provided for the development of the script. As part of the previous section in the application system or as a separate attachment.
- Financial report. The producer’s report on the costs and funding as well as any deviations from the budget verified in the support agreement. Filled in directly in the application system.
- Numeric financial final report. A required attachment. Signed by the producer and an accountant and inspected by the latter. The final report must be based on accounting and include a comparison of the budget and funding plan verified in the agreement and the actual costs and funding in the same way as the cost estimate was itemised in the application. Significant deviations must be clarified in the producer’s written report. The accountant/accounting firm confirms that the reported costs and funding are based on the company’s accounts and related to the production in question.
An excerpt of the accounts is not a valid form of final report but one can be attached to the report. - Audit report. A required attachment if the support granted by AVEK for the project is EUR 20,000 or more. An auditing report may also be required for the support if the total support granted for different phases of the project is more than EUR 30,000 even if the individual sums were less than EUR 20,000. In such cases, the overall project is reported and audited according to the phase presented to AVEK.
- Itemisation of self-financing in the same way as self-financing is defined above, either in the financial report section of the application system or as a separate attachment.
- Images. The image files must be in JPG or PNG format. AVEK and Kopiosto ry have the right to use the images free of charge in the presentation of their activities, such as in publications and on the internet. The maximum size of a file is 4 MB.
- A link to the complete work or the work in another format agreed upon.
Crediting AVEK
The support recipient is obligated to include AVEK’s name and/or logo in the opening and closing credits of all copies and language versions of the supported work and any communication and marketing materials in the same way as other financiers are credited. The closing credits must be submitted to AVEK for approval before the editing of the work is completed. You can download our logo from our AVEK credits page.
The recipient of the grant is responsible for the obligations related to the copyright of the work, such as acquiring the rights and reporting.
More information about copyright is available from parties involved in the sector, such as Kopiosto ry, Teosto ry, Kuvasto ry, Gramex ry and Sanasto ry.
The final report and the appendices must be submitted through AVEK’s application system. The final report must include the following information, either filled in on the application system form or as separate appendices (see below for a detailed list).
A short description: A description of the project and works, and a list of the main authors for public communications (max. 300 characters). Entered directly into the application system.
A written content report: A description of how the project goals were met and the works created. Entered directly into the application system.
A financial report: A written report on the costs, funding and any deviation from the budget confirmed in the grant agreement. Entered directly into the application system.
A final, numerical financial report: A compulsory appendix signed by the producer and the accountant, and reviewed by the latter. The final report must be based on the accounts and include a comparison between the budget and funding plan confirmed in the agreement and the actual costs and funding, similarly to how the cost estimate was itemised in the application. Any major deviations must be explained in the producer’s written report. The accountant/accounting firm must confirm that the reported costs and funding are based on the company’s accounts and connected to the production in question.
The eligible project costs include those incurred after an application’s submission.
An excerpt of the accounts is not a valid form of a final report, but it may be submitted as an appendix to the report.
An auditor’s report: A compulsory appendix if the grant amount provided by AVEK for a project is €20,000 or more. (Applies to subsidies granted in 2024 or earlier.)
A description of the self-financing proportion, in accordance with the above definition of self-financing, entered either in the financial report section of the application system or as a separate appendix.
Images: All image files must be in JPG or PNG format. AVEK and Kopiosto have the right to use the images free of charge to illustrate their own operations, for example in publications and on the internet. The maximum file size is 4 MB.
A grant recipient is responsible for all the copyright obligations pertaining to their work, such as the acquisition of rights and reporting.
More information about copyrights is available from the sector’s operators, including Kopiosto, Teosto, Kuvasto, Gramex and Sanasto.
Crediting AVEK
All project materials and finished works must mention that the project or piece has received Mediarata support and include the AVEK logo. You can download our logo from our AVEK credits page.
The final report must be submitted through AVEK’s application system by the deadline specified in the commitment.
If the final report has not been submitted by the deadline and a new deadline has not been agreed upon with AVEK, the support granted must be paid back.
The final report is made directly in the application system and it must include the following information:
- a short description of the organised event (max. 300 characters)
- a written report on the use of the support and its significance to the applicant
- a financial report and further plans
- a cost specification of the realised costs (in the same format as in the application); if the costs exceed EUR 2,000, the cost specification must be signed by an accountant. If the support granted by AVEK f is EUR 20,000 or more an audit report is a required attachment.
- images, links, etc. can be provided as attachments
The final report must be submitted through AVEK’s application system by the deadline specified in the commitment.
If the final report has not been submitted by the deadline and a new deadline has not been agreed upon with AVEK, the support granted must be paid back.
The final report must include the following information:
- a short description of the training
- an assessment of the training and a more extensive description of its content
- an assessment of the training’s significance to the applicant’s job
- a cost specification of the realised costs and funding (in the same format as in the application)
- other possible attachments, such as images, links, etc. (optional)
- if a grant for research or publication has been issued, one copy of the study or publication
Some training support reports may be published in AVEK’s newsletter and website.
The final report must be submitted through AVEK’s application system by the deadline specified in the commitment.
If the final report has not been submitted by the deadline and a new deadline has not been agreed upon with AVEK, the support granted must be paid back.
The final report must include the following information:
- A short description: description of the actual content that can be used in communications
- Written report on the content of education: How the content and goals were realised and accomplished with the support, a report of activities performed. Additional reports on separate attachments, if necessary.
- A financial report and further plans
- A written description of any possible changes to the cost estimate and the actual funding. A description of possible follow-up activity plans.
- A cost specification of the realised costs and funding compared with the budget (in the same format as in the application). As a separate attachment, if necessary.
- Other possible attachments, such as programmes, websites, images, links, etc.
Crediting AVEK
The recipient of the support must include AVEK’s name and/or logo in the publication or the course’s or training event’s programme and communication and marketing materials. You can download our logo from our AVEK credits page.
A final report on the use of the grant must be drawn up by the final report date set in the agreement/commitment. The final report is submitted in AVEK’s application system.
Concept support
Information to be included in the final report:
- Short description
Write a short description of the content produced, which is also in a publishable format. - Written content report
Realisation of the content and objectives with the help of the support, deviations from the plan and their impact on finances (companies). Concept plan. If the concept plan is very extensive, it can also be submitted as an appendix. - Financial report (companies) and further plans
Impact and importance of the support, further plans for the project. - Attach any other necessary material, such as pictures.
Demo and pilot support
Information to be included in the final report:
- Short description
Write a short description of the content produced, which is also in a publishable format. - Written content report
Realisation of the content and objectives with the help of the support, deviations from the plan and their impact on finances. A summary of the content of the project realised. - Financial report and further plans
Impact and importance of the support, further plans for the project, including an assessment of the support’s significance to the company’s operations.
The report on the use of the support is to be provided in the same format as that used to apply for the support.
Final report appendices:
- Final report. A written report of the realisation of the project. A compulsory appendix.
- Financial report. The financial report must be based on the accounts and confirmed with an accountant’s signature. The report must include all the costs of the project. AVEK’s support may cover no more than 80% of the costs incurred. The financial report must also include any other actual funding. A compulsory appendix.
- Report on self-financing. If the self-financing includes the grant recipient’s own working time, the report must also include a report on working time tracking. A compulsory appendix if the project has included self-financing.
- Auditor’s report. The report is mandatory if the total support granted by AVEK for the project is 20,000 euros or more.
- Images. Image material related to the project. Not mandatory.
- Links. Links related to the project. Not mandatory.