In the current situation, we can only distribute a limited amount of support for the creation of audiovisual works according to the indefinite support guidelines below. The support to be distributed is from Kopiosto’s national funds for the development of domestic creative projects.
To whom
The support is awarded to an individual or a working group as a personal grant. The applicant must act professionally. The applicant must have a Finnish personal identity code.
For what purpose
Scriptwriting grants can be applied for the planning, conceptualisation and scriptwriting of audiovisual media art, short animated films and documentary films. (There will be a separate project for short fiction during spring 2025).
Amount of the support
The amount of scriptwriting support is EUR 3500. Scriptwriting support can only be granted once per project.
The support is not granted for the following
- completed works
- presentation programmes of companies, institutions or organisations
- commissioned productions
- feature-length animation or fiction films
- series
- music videos or projected backgrounds
- productions of educational institutions
- educational films or learning materials
- productions made as a hobby
- equipment purchases
If an applicant has failed to submit reports related to previous support decisions in time or at all, they are ineligible for a new support.
AVEK will not grant overlapping scriptwriting support with the Finnish Film Foundation in the case of the same applicant, subject, work phase and time period.
Application process
- The support is applied for through AVEK’s application system.
- There are no application periods for the application.
- Two different supports cannot be applied for simultaneously for a single work.
- You can apply for support for one work at a time
- Applications submitted by email are not processed.
Decision process
- The applications are processed in the order they are submitted.
- The decision on granting the support is made by an AVEK commissioner.
- The average maximum processing time is two months.
Fill in the basic information of the application on the application form, including the following:
Application title:
Name of the work or other identifying description
What the support will be used for in brief and non-technical language (300 characters)
One-liner/A short description of the content of the work in publishable form
Extensive content description (5,000 characters)
Content plan, work content description, a word from the author/director and their motivation
Work plan (5,000 characters)
A work plan with its schedule, including at least the artistic activities, a description of other funding, a presentation/distribution plan and a short description of key authors.
Attachments to the application:
Mandatory attachment: a sample of a previous work as a link, must be viewable directly, no downloadable links, no Dropbox/Google Docs links. Application processors cannot be required to register or use their own email address to open links.
Agreement procedure
- The first instalment of the support granted can be paid when the recipient has accepted the terms of payment and use of the support in AVEK’s application system.
- The support is paid in two instalments. The recipient of the support defines the payment schedule of the first instalment in the system. The first instalment is 80% of the support granted. The second instalment is made after the final report has been prepared.
- If the support money has not been withdrawn within three months of the support decision, the decision will expire
The agreement may be cancelled and the support recovered if
- the support is not used within the agreed timeframe and for the approved purpose,
- the recipient has provided AVEK with misleading information that has affected the granting of the support or continuation of payments or
- the final report is not submitted within the agreed time limit and in the agreed form, and the recipient has not agreed on a new procedure with AVEK.
The notice of termination will be made in writing.
Final report
The final report must be submitted through AVEK’s application system by the deadline specified in the commitment. Instructions for the report can be found on the Final report instructions page.
The project grant is a form of personal support awarded to private persons or work groups. It is intended for the production of small-scale copyable audiovisual media art works and films.
The support is always work-specific and can only be granted once for a single work.
The sum of the grant is EUR 3,500 or 7,000.
The applicant must have a Finnish personal identity code.
Support criteria
- The applicant of the support must act professionally.
- The support is intended for the creation of a new work.
- AVEK’s support does not cover all of the costs of creating a work and additional confirmed funding for the work must be secured.
- Copyright licences and any possible remunerations to other parties related to the work must be taken into account in the application.
- The work must have a credible and professional public performance and distribution plan.
The support is not granted for the following:
- completed works
- presentation programmes of companies, institutions or organisations
- commissioned productions
- series
- music videos or projected backgrounds
- productions of educational institutions
- educational films or learning materials
- productions made as a hobby
- equipment purchases
- exhibitions or exhibition costs, performances or events
If an applicant has failed to submit reports related to previous support decisions in time or at all, they are ineligible for a new support.
Application process
- The support is applied for through the AVEK’s application system.
- There are no application periods for the application.
- In order for a work to be eligible for new support, an approved final report of any previously granted support must have been prepared.
- A previous approved decision does not oblige AVEK to issue additional support for the production.
- Applications submitted by email are not processed.
Decision process
- The applications are processed in the order they are submitted.
- The decision on granting the support is made by an AVEK commissioner.
- The average processing time of an application is less than two months.
In addition to the basic information, the application form must include the following:
Application title:
Name of the work or other identifying description
What the support will be used for in brief and non-technical language (300 characters)
One-liner/A short description of the content of the work in publishable form
Extensive content description (5,000 characters)
Content plan, work content description, a word from the author/director and their motivation
Work plan (5,000 characters)
A production plan with its schedule, including at least the artistic activities, a description of other funding, a public performance/distribution plan and a short description of key authors.
Attachments to the application:
- total budget for the production phase and funding plan (if the cost estimate of the application form is not sufficient)
- script or extensive content plan (if necessary)
- itemisation of self-financing (required if self-financing is used)
- applicant’s CV (required)
- if the applicant is a work group, the CVs of all members of the group (required)
- link to material samples (mandatory). A link must be viewable directly, no downloadable links, no Dropbox/Google Docs links. Application processors cannot be required to register or use their own email address to open links.
Agreement procedure
- The first instalment of the support granted can be paid when the recipient has accepted the terms of payment and use of the support in AVEK’s application system.
- The support is paid in two instalments. The recipient of the support defines the payment schedule of the first instalment in the system. The first instalment is 80% of the support granted. The second instalment is made after the final report has been prepared.
- If the support money has not been withdrawn within three months of the support decision, the decision will expire.
The agreement may be cancelled and the support recovered if
- the support is not used within the agreed timeframe and for the approved purpose,
- the recipient has provided AVEK with misleading information that has affected the granting of the support or continuation of payments or
- the final report is not submitted within the agreed time limit and in the agreed form, and the recipient has not agreed on a new procedure with AVEK.
The notice of termination will be made in writing.
Final report
The final report must be submitted through AVEK’s application system by the deadline specified in the commitment. Instructions for the report can be found on the Final report instructions page.
The recipient of the grant is responsible for the obligations related to the copyright of the work, such as acquiring the rights and reporting.
More information about copyright is available from parties involved in the sector, such as Kopiosto ry, Teosto ry, Kuvasto ry, Gramex ry and Sanasto ry.
Previous support decisions
Previous support decisions can be found from our Support decisions page (only in Finnish).