In addition to her new role as media art commissioner, Moilanen will continue to serve as AVEK’s advisor for the CreaDemo, CreMa and DigiDemo grants, a position that she has held since 2004. She has also previously served as media art commissioner at AVEK in 2004−2008.
“By combining these two roles, we will have more time to process applications and provide guidance to applicants. Milla’s extensive and diverse experience will be a tremendous asset in this demanding position,” states Director of AVEK Ulla Simonen.
Milla Moilanen (born in 1964) is an artist and filmmaker whose career in moving pictures started in the late 1980s. She studied at the Lahti Institute of Design and has since continued her education at the University of Art and Design Helsinki, among other places.
Moilanen’s primary artistic medium is animation. Her works have been featured in numerous short film, media art and documentary film festivals, galleries, art museums, cultural events and on national and international TV.
Moilanen is excited about her new duties in the field of media art. “AVEK does important work as a provider of funds for media art, which I am very happy to be able to promote. I have a wealth of experience about different types of financial support, so I believe I will be able to provide comprehensive guidance to applicants in matters related to support and grants. My experience as a creator of media art is also sure to come in handy,” Moilanen ponders.
Ulla Simonen, director of AVEK
ulla.simonen (at) avek.kopiosto.fi, tel. +358 (0)44 790 0344
Milla Moilanen, commissioner
milla.moilanen (at) avek.kopiosto.fi, tel. +358 (0)40 900 9199