Aloitamme kertomalla ajankohtaiset uutiset ja ennakoimalla syksyn tapahtumia. Iltapäivän pääaihe on kansainväliset rahoitusfoorumit. Käynnistämme AVEKissa konsultointiohjelman, jolla pyrimme auttamaan suomalaisia dokumentaarisia hankkeita kansainvälisille rahoitusfoorumeille. AVEKin rahoittamilla tuotannoilla on mahdollisuus saada henkilökohtaista konsultointia oman hankkeensa kansainvälistymisstrategian ja parhaan mahdollisen materiaalin luomiseksi. Puhujavieraana on alan asiantuntija Gitte Hansen.
Ilmoittaudu iltapäivään tästä 18.5. mennessä. Osallistumislinkki lähetetään 19.5.
Tapahtumassa puhutaan sekä suomea että englantia. Tervetuloa mukaan keskustelemaan ja kuuntelemaan!
13.00 Tilaisuuden avaus, AVEKin ajankohtaiset asiat
13.30 Gitte Hansen: Introduction session – presenting and pitching documentary projects internationally
- What are the bigger and smaller key events – and could some events be better for my project than others?
- Overall talk about pitching events and how they are in process of changing with focus on curation, profile, set-up, place, meetings, people, criteria – specific focus on Nordic Panorama, Dok Leipzig, IDFA, CPH:Forum, VdR Forum, HotDocs, Dokfest Munich, Thessaloniki and DocBarcelona.
- When is the right time to pitch your project?
- Timing, material, financing strategy, networking needs
- General advises when applying and attending a pitching session before, during – and after.
- What are the most important differences between pitch on-site and online-pitching?
14.45 Keskustelua/Discussion
15.00 Tilaisuus päättyy
Gitte Hansen Bio:
Gitte is a free-lance consultant, tutor and EP in the international documentary industry with experience in developing, financing, production and distributing documentary projects with international potentials. Gitte has executive produced more than 20 international independent documentaries for First Hand Films where she was deputy director and headed sales and acquisitions for many years. Gitte is serving as a lecturer, mentor and tutor at national, regional and international workshops and film training schemes. Her experience includes work with filmmakers at project-driven programs such as IDFAcademy, DocCampus Master School, Baltic Sea Forum, Crossing Borders and Thessaloniki Doc. Gitte is appointed mentor for the training schemes Close-Up and CinéDocTbilisi in 2021 and holds a Master of Film & Rhetoric from the University of Copenhagen.