Tailwinds for audiovisual culture

We promote diverse Finnish audiovisual culture with copyright remunerations. New documentary films, animations, short films and media art are created with our support. We operate in connection with the Finnish copyright organisation Kopiosto. The majority of our funds come from private copying levies financed from the General State Budget.

Get to know us

Browse our support decisions!

Support decisions for documentary and short films as well as media art are published monthly on our Finnish website. Support issued for training, international promotion, Mediarata, CreaDemo and DigiDemo are published as quickly as possible after support decision meetings.

Support decisions

Frequently asked questions

How do I send my application to AVEK? Can I apply for support for several works at the same time? Online application system does not work, what to do? How long is the decision-making process? Where should the final report be delivered? You will find the answer for these questions and many others in our FAQ section.

Frequently asked questions

AVEK Award

The AVEK Award is an annual accolade for creative work. The award, worth €15,000, can be granted to a creator or group that works in media arts or other audiovisual culture.

Kopiosto – the copyright organisation for performing artists, authors and publishers

Kopiosto enables the use of copyrighted publications and audiovisual works easily and responsibly. It also makes sure that creative professionals receive the remuneration owed to them for the use of their works. Kopiosto is the most comprehensive copyright organisation representing the creative industry in Finland.

The ©-info icon shows you the author details and usage rights of the content on the website

©-info is an icon found on websites, clicking on which shows you the author details and usage rights of the content on the website. By clicking on the icon, you can find out who made and produced the content: images, articles, videos and other material. The use of ©-info is free of charge, and you can add the icon to any website.
