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Government decision to cut compensation will jeopardise AVEK’s support for films

Last month, the news was released that the government discussion on spending limits had resulted in cuts that will directly affect creators in the audiovisual sector. The compensation for private copying, which is the source of most of AVEK’s funds, will be cut in half. This may deal a fatal blow to AVEK’s support activities. The direct remunerations distributed by Kopiosto for audiovisual authors will also be affected.
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The filmmakers are in the centre of the picture, they look at the camera and smile. Two are sitting on low ladders in the foreground, the other three are standing behind them. In the background there is a wooden floor and a light-coloured wall.

The unique Kehittämö Talent Development Lab generates new Finnish films

Five new film projects have been selected for the Kehittämö – Talent Development Lab of AVEK Audiovisual Centre and the Finnish Cultural Foundation. Kicked off last year, Kehittämö is the first development programme aimed at fresh creators in the audiovisual sector. The creators selected for the programme will receive €55,000 for producing their works as well as mentoring from top professionals in the field.
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EUR 50 million to the creative industry. EUR 23.0 million to authors, performing others and other rightsholders of audiovisual works. EUR 21.6 million to authors and publishers of publications. EUR 2.3 million in public lending remunerations to visual artists. EUR 3.0 million in AVEK grants to audiovisual culture and the creative industry. These figures are amounts distributed by Kopiosto to copyright holders in the creative industry in 2023.

Kopiosto distributed EUR 50 million of copyright remunerations for the creative industry

Kopiosto paid copyright remunerations to copyright holders both directly and through the organisations that represent them. A total of EUR 23 million was distributed to the authors of television programmes and performing artists, and EUR 22 million was distributed to the authors and publishers of books, magazines and musical notes. Additionally, EUR 2 million in total was distributed to visual artists as public lending remunerations.
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Our message to decision-makers: We must harness creative industries' growth potential

Government negotiators are currently considering ways to promote economic growth and employment. In this context, we must not forget the potential of the arts and cultural industries, which, if properly harnessed, can be important not only for economic growth but also for export. Moreover, culture has strong intrinsic value and also plays an important role in promoting people’s well-being and mental resilience.
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