In 2022, the compensation for private copying will remain at the already established level of €11 million. This means that the compensations for private copying we pay directly to the authors of TV programmes will also remain at the same level next year. In this year’s payments, the audiovisual authors received €3 million in compensation for private copying through us.
The decision made in the government budget session also safeguards the grants distributed to the audiovisual industry by AVEK, which operates as a part of us. Of the total amount of the compensation for private copying, approximately €2.6 million has been channelled through AVEK to the audiovisual industry each year. The money has been used to support the creation of new works, continuing education, internationalisation, festivals and events.
Our warm thanks to the decision-makers for ensuring that the level of compensation for private copying will remain the same next year! This is a well-earned show of appreciation to the creative industries.
The next item on the agenda should be the development of the compensation system in accordance with the plan included in the government programme. Cutting back a well-working system harshly is not so simple. The compensation system should be reformed to ensure predictability and continuity in the creative industries that have suffered due to the coronavirus.