Kopiosto paid copyright remunerations to copyright holders both directly and through the organisations that represent them. A total of EUR 27.1 million were paid to the copyright holders of television and radio programmes and EUR 21.6 million to the authors and publishers of books, magazines, newspapers and sheet music. A total of EUR 2.5 million was paid to visual artists as public lending remunerations.
The remunerations were collected from the copying and use licences for television programmes and publications sold by Kopiosto to educational institutions, public administration and businesses. In addition, Kopiosto distributes a compensation for private copying to authors of audiovisual works from the appropriations based on the state budget and public lending remunerations to visual artists.
The Promotion Centre for Audiovisual Culture AVEK, a part of Kopiosto, distributed a total of EUR 2.7 million to the Finnish AV culture and creative industries in 2022. AVEK’s funds are primarily based on compensation for private copying. AVEK also supports the creative industries with the DigiDemo and CreaDemo appropriations and the Mediarata special appropriation granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
EUR 27.1 million paid to the copyright holders of audiovisual works
In 2022, Kopiosto paid a total of EUR 27.1 million to the copyright holders of television and radio programmes.
The personal remunerations paid to audiovisual authors and performers included EUR 5.8 million for the online recording services of TV programmes, EUR 3.3 million for the educational use of TV programmes, EUR 3.2 million as compensation for private copying and EUR 0.4 million for other use of TV and radio works.
A total of EUR 0.3 million were also paid to Kopiosto’s member and sister organisations as remunerations for online recording services. Member organisations distribute the remunerations to serve the interests of the authors in their respective fields. The education fund KOURA was provided with EUR 0.5 million to be distributed as grants and awards to audiovisual authors.
A total of EUR 3.0 million of remunerations collected from online recording services were transferred to Teosto and Gramex to be paid to the copyright holders of musical works. The producers’ share, EUR 8.3 million, was transferred to APFI.
A total of EUR 2.3 million were paid to foreign broadcasting companies, producers and authors for the retransmission of foreign TV channels.
EUR 21.6 million paid to the authors and publishers of publications
Kopiosto paid EUR 21.6 million to authors and publishers for the copying and use of books, newspapers, magazines and sheet music in 2022.
Kopiosto’s member organisations were paid EUR 19.7 million. 26 Finnish organisations from different cultural and communication industries received remunerations. Organisations that represent authors will re-distribute the majority of their remunerations as grants. Publishing organisations will distribute most of their remunerations to publishers as direct payments.
Kopiosto’s member organisations also use the copying remunerations paid to them to fund many awards for culture and communication industries. These include awards such as the Finlandia Prizes for literature, Graphic Designer of the Year, Academic Journal of the Year, Mikael Agricola Prize, Topelius Prize and the Textbook Writers’ Award.
Kopiosto paid EUR 1.9 million of remunerations collected from the copying of foreign materials to foreign sister organisations.
EUR 2.5 million paid to visual artists as public lending remunerations
Kopiosto paid a total of EUR 2.5 million to visual artists as public lending remunerations in 2022. Kopiosto is responsible for the public lending remunerations paid to the authors of visual and photographic works for the public lending of their works.
Valtteri Niiranen, CEO
valtteri.niiranen(at)kopiosto.fi, +358 (0)40 024 5008
Sari Ahonen, Director, Copyright Owner Services
sari.ahonen(at)kopiosto.fi, +358 (0)40 526 7257