The photocopying of works by the following parties has been prohibited
- Expatrium Oy
The works of the copyright owner above cannot be copied with the Kopiosto copying licence.
The copying of works by the following parties has been prohibited
- Antti Aho, entire production
- Niko Aho, entire production
- Eero Ahonen, entire production
- HMV-Systems Oy, including HMV-Systems Baltic Oü, entire production
- Antti Kettunen, images uploaded to
- Suomen Kuljetusturva Oy, entire production
The works of the copyright owners above cannot be copied with the Kopiosto copying licence (previously known as Digital licence).
How can I, as an author or copyright owner, prohibit the copying of my works?
Please contact us if you want to prohibit the copying of your works with the Kopiosto copying licence!
Copyright Owner Services
oikeudenomistajapalvelut (at)
+358 (0)9 431 521 (exchange)