We can provide you with the copying licence required for copying and using copyrighted protected material for the purposes of internal communication and other internal usage within your company or organisation.
What does our copying licence enable?
Our copying licence enables
- copying and scanning articles from newspapers and magazines and excerpts from books, reports and other printed publications
- copying and scanning sheet music and song lyrics
- copying and printing images and text from the Internet
- distributing copies in paper form or print-outs and by email to your organisation’s staff
- creating press clippings of newspaper and magazine articles and sharing them within your organisation in digital form
- attaching images, articles and other excerpts of texts to your own presentation or internal memo etc. and
- storing the copies in a closed internal network of your organisation, such as Intranet, so that the copies can be accessed only by the staff of your organisation. The copies can be available to the staff for one year.
See how many copies you can produce and what is not allowed to be copied with our licence.
The copies can be used for internal administrative purposes within your organisation, such as internal communication, research and planning as well as training organised for the organisation’s personnel and by your own staff.
Our copying licence enables creating compilations of several articles for the purposes of your organisation’s internal communication and usage. You are authorised to copy or scan several articles from a single newspaper or magazine, but not more than half of the published content.
You can distribute article compilations to the staff of your organisation by email or by saving them in a closed internal network.
Submit a report of digital article compilations created with our licence by sending one copy by email to raportointi(at)kopiosto.fi
Our copying licence enables copying sheet music and song lyrics for the purpose of internal use within an organisation. A maximum of 10 pages of musical notations, song lyrics and sheet music can be copied or scanned per publication, but not more than half of the publication.
Copies can only be used in events with free admission arranged by your organisation, where the audience consists solely of the organisation’s personnel. Copies of sheet music cannot be used in other public performances or in preparing for such performances.
Training and consultation activities
If your organisation arranges training or consultation sessions for clients or other external parties, you can acquire a separate copying licence from us.
How to acquire a licence
All companies require a separate copying licence. If your corporation includes several companies, you can acquire a centralised licence or separate licences for each subsidiary. The price of our copying licence is based on the industrial classification. You can check the classification of your company at www.ytj.fi.
The price of the copying licence
Standard Industrial Classifications
How many copies can I produce?
What our licence does not apply to